The kitchen is the place where families spend most of their time and the one spot in the house that probably gets the most traffic. This kitchen is already busy and the bright yellow paint only assaults the senses further.
A simple toned down colour on the walls, some new tiling on the floor to modernize the look and some cleaning and de-cluttering recreates the kitchen into a tranquil and functional space.
Living Room
With small children, the living room can become another playroom. This is fine at times, but what do you do when you want to entertain guests in this mess?
Again, toning down the bright colour of paint on the walls, removing the clutter and simplifying the space makes it into a tidy and inviting place.
Leaving only a few key pieces creates refined simplicity.
Lily's Room
The children have so many beautiful things, but even too many beautiful things cause clutter and make a space look "trashy" and busy. Children can sometimes have a hard time letting go of their pretty things, so we started by just filing some of those things in a box or bin. The kids liked the idea that they still HAD those pretty things, they just didn't have to stuff their rooms full with them.
With loads of pretty things and unused items (call them "memorabilia") safely stored away in bins, the room became much more functional with only those things that were needed in attendance, and carefully stowed in organizer boxes on the shelf so that the over-all effect is one of clear space. Even Lily appreciated having space to move and play with ease in her room.
Mia's Room
Like Lily's room, Mia's was stuffed with too many pretty things and unused items that made it overwhelming for her to even consider "tidying" her room, let alone sleeping peacefully in it!
Dining Room
Since we rarely had occasion for formal dining events in our busy family home, we used the dining room as a crafting room for projects, hobbies and another repository for aimless toys. For the purpose of selling the house, we decided it would be best to return this room to it's original function of being a dining room.
This transformation was mainly a process of delegating crafting items to another dedicated space in the house, tidying up and moving a dining room table into the space. Voila! Family dining room! From that point on, we enjoyed many family dinners in this room before the house was sold.
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